To set up newsgroups for offline newsreading

For newsgroups you subscribe to, you can set up Outlook Express to make messages or headers available offline by synchronizing. This enables you to read them at your leisure when you are not connected to the Internet.

  1. From the Folders list, select a news server.

  2. In the main window, select one or more newsgroups you subscribe to whose messages you want to read offline. (To select multiple newsgroups, hold down the CTRL key while you click the newsgroups.)

  3. Click the Settings button, and then click to mark what you want transferred from the server to your computer during synchronization: All Messages, New Messages Only (new to the server since you last synchronized), or Headers Only (subject, author, date, and size of message).

    Make sure that the newsgroups you do not want to download are not checked (Don't Synchronize).

Whenever you want to transfer the messages or headers to your computer from the server, click the Sync Account button.
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Subscribe to a newsgroup

Reading newsgroup messages offline